Friday, September 27, 2019

Action Plan for E-Adminstration of Abu Dhabi Police Research Paper

Action Plan for E-Adminstration of Abu Dhabi Police - Research Paper Example The current state of affairs suggests that the development and implementation are in its initial phase and there is a lot to be achieved in terms of fully utilizing the power of e-administration in order to become more efficient in carrying out the routine tasks. Other departments in other countries have been able to deploy the e-administration on a holistic basis imparting the latest tools and techniques to not only manage the workload effectively but also to ensure that the core objective of the department is fulfilled in more efficient manner. It’s because of this reason that the latest systems and procedures have been deployed to take the fingerprints and as well as keep a database of the criminals along with their full particulars including pictures and previous record. This allows them to track down the criminals in the more effective manner besides ensuring that the workload is managed in the most appropriate manner. Authorities such as Metropolitan Office UK have implemented the computer forensic and other systems to better manage the workload of the police in order to perform their core objectives in more effective manner. Police authorities in the UK have also developed different databases related with nature of a crime. The Police National Computer is one of the earliest initiatives in this direction to develop a set of interconnected databases. ( This, however, is still lacking at UAE as the e-administration implementation efforts have mostly been focused on the deployment of resources for performing only administrative related tasks. The major milestones to be achieved in the future will, therefore, be involved in imparting the training to the Police Officers to fully utilize the system and take advantage of how it can actually help them to overcome the traditional weaknesses of the manual system.  Ã‚  

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